A surreal society comedy performed by two actors and four dolls alongside an exquisite 5-course tea service.

An absurd and absurdly intimate new comedy inspired by the relationships of Elsie de Wolfe (Lady Mendl) and Bessie Marbury, who referred to themselves as “The Bachelors,” after they took up joint residence sans men in the first years of the 20th century. Before she invented the profession of interior decorator, de Wolfe was a struggling Broadway performer, known more for her costumes than her acting, and her partner Bessie Marbury, legendary agent and broker, was introducing America to Oscar Wilde and discovering Cole Porter. In a playfully perverse take on a young girl’s imaginary tea party, de Wolfe and Marbury will delight and torment each other and entertain a coterie of special guests, “performed” by dolls assembled around the table, with audience members seated only inches away.

As much of an event as a play…the finest night of dinner theater [theatregoers] are ever likely to encounter.

Clifford Lee Johnson III, Backstage

[C]harming, witty, and extremely interesting

Martin Denton, NYTheatre.com

As provocative as the
high tea was romantic (and yummy)

Ingenious....outrageously perfect.

Jody Flader and Liz Eckert impress as interior decorator Elsie de Wolfe and theatrical agent Bessie Marbury, feminist pioneers and self-described New York “bachelors” who lived together during the early 20th century, in Kiran Rikhye’s absurd light comedy. Cleverly staged, the dainty show is made more satisfying by a tasty five-course tea service.

This is time travel in the best possible way; You step into a room, the waiter serves you tea, 120 years evaporate, and right next to you, just feet away, are a pair of ladies about to change the world, and the crazy thing is, they do! Right in front of you. What actually happened is happening again; I was entranced.

NPR's Robert Krulwich, (Co-host of RadioLab)

Written by Kiran Rikhye
Directed by Jon Stancato

Featuring Liz Eckert & Jody Flader, Amanda Sykes & Natalie Hegg

Costumes by Julie Schworm
Props and Graphic Design by Aviva Meyer

For press inquiries please contact Emily Owens PR.