Laboratory theatre meets laboratory science in Stolen Chair’s latest “unholy hybrid,” Quantum Poetics: A Science Experiment for the Stage. Setting out to prove the existence of his creations, God, a god, enlists the support of a quantum physicist, a 19th century children’s book author, a 13th century mystic nun, a 16th century alchemist, a 7-year old girl, and, stepping straight from the pages of a storybook (or movie musical), Lancelot and Guinevere, taking the audience on a time-travelling adventure through the multiverse. Impossible paradoxes and cognitive dissonance abound in this Escher-esque philosophical romp.

[M]erges the intelligent and playful ways...The effect
is mind-bending, down to earth, and funny.

Very engaging...quite wonderful

Tim Maudlin, Author of The Metaphysics Within Physics

When a nun, a little girl, her older self, a writer, and God get together to prove that they exist, their puzzle gets puzzlier and their search turns very, very funny. Stolen Chair’s Quantum Poetics is metaphysics with a big fat grin.

Robert Krulwch (NPR's RadioLab),

Written by Kiran Rikhye
Directed by Jon Stancato
Dramaturgy by Emily Otto
Set & Lights by David Bengali
Costumes by Beth Goldenberg
Stage Management, Props & Postcard by Aviva Meyer

Featuring David Berent, Liz Eckert, Sarah Malinda Engelke, Liza Wade Green, Chris Hale, Miriam Lipner, Timothy McCown Reynolds, Noah Schultz